Treats scalp fungal infections, redness, and itching.
Prevents premature greying.
Empty the sachet in 2 cups of hot water and boil it for 5 mins. Allow it to steep for 4 hours, preferably overnight. Filter it, pour the tea over the hair, gently massage for 10-15 mins & leave it for 4 mins or more for lustrous & stronger hair. Do not shampoo for that day.
Green Tea, Moringa, Ginseng, Ginger, Burdock, Lavender.
Foot Soak: Empty the sachet in one bucket full of warm water and soak feet/legs up to knee level for 15-20 minutes. Body Soak: Empty the sachet in warm water in a bathtub and soak yourself for 20 minutes or use it as a body scrub. Take a bath after the above process.