Helps to reduce Acne/ Pimples/ Black Heads/ Whiteheads/ Scars/Rashes and Itching
How to use
Clean the belly button with water. Lie down in a straight position. Put 4 drops of Belly Button Oil in the navel and leave it for 15 minutes. Massage oil in a circular motion in a clockwise direction. Clean the navel gently with cotton. Repeat this every day during bedtime for better results.
Pure Coconut Oil, Black Seed Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Castor Oil, GInger oil, Vit E Oil & Neem Oil.
Odor: Rich, Smoky, Woody, Exotic, and Earthy fragrance, Stimulating effect on body and mind Improves libido and Sexual desire, Natural Insecticide, Repels mosquitoes, Lice, and Ticks
Use Skin/Hair care, Aromatherapy, Diffuser, Bath, Massage.
Skincare: Apply 2% of Vetiver Essential Oil [V.E.O] diluted with any carrier oil and massage gently
to moisturize and regenerate the skin. Very good for Fading scars, Stretch marks, and Skin blemishes
Hair care: Apply 1% of V.E.O on the scalp and massage to prevent dandruff and flakes on dry skin, Repel lice and ticks
Diffuser: Add 5-6 drops of V.E.O to the diffuser, puries the air. Calms the mind and nerves, and has a Calming, Relaxing, and Mood elevating effect.
Bath: add 5-6 drops of V.E.O to the bathtub/bucket and enjoy the bath for a calming and grounding sensation
Massage: Dilute 2% V.E.O with any carrier oil and
massage onto the body, Antiseptic, and Anti-inflammatory, Helps with Anxiety, Stress, and Depression, Helps with muscle aches, Headaches
Exotic, Deep & Floral Scent, Relief from anxiety, Anti- Depressant, Increases Libido
Use: Skin care, Hair care, Aromatherapy, Diffuser, Inhalation, Bath, Massage, etc.,
Skincare: Dilute 2% of Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil [YYEO] with any carrier oil apply on the skin and massage gently. Hydrates the skin, and ensures acne and blemishes-free skin. Anti-aging promotes overall healthy skin with glowing and radiant skin.
Hair care: Dilute 2% of YYEO with any carrier oil, and apply on the scalp. Helps to reduce dandruff and lice, Helps to unclog hair follicles, and promotes growth
Inhalation: Add 5-6 drops of YYEO to the diffuser, Gives a wonderful sweet floral scent for a soothing effect, a Mood enhancer, and reduces anxiety.
Massage: Dilute 2% of YYEO with any carrier oil and massage gently on the body for stress relief & relaxation increase sexual desires, Fight depression
Bath: Add 5-6 drops of YYEO to the bathtub/bucket and enjoy the bath.